Category: Uncategorized

Graduate Teacher Maths & Science Result

NOTIFICATION The Provisional Results of the Graduate Teacher (Science/Maths) recruitment examination conducted in pursuance to this Office Advertisement of even number dated 16-03-2022 read with Conigendum of even number dated 04-04-2022 and 30-05-2022 are...

PM Rashtriya POSHAN MAAH-2022

Rashtriya POSHAN Maah is celebrated every year during 1st to 30th September by Min. of Women & Child Development with the involvement of Partner Ministries/Departments. Every partner Ministry join hands and carry out identified...

Advertisement for Graduate Teacher (Maths/Science/Hindi)

ADVERTISEMENT In pursuance to Cabinet directive vide No. CAB-212013 Dated, 22′ February 2022 and Government Letter No. DSE/MISCIL2-12812020 Dated, 28th February 2022, applications are invited from interested eligible indigenous inhabitants of Nagaland for engagement...

Labor Management Procedures of NECTAR project

Labour and Working Conditions promotes the implementation of a systematic approach to improving the management of risks and impacts related to labour and working conditions in projects. To manage and mitigate all related risks...